Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sojourn up North

Paleis het Loo was, is, gorgeous.
The quiet, wooded elegance of the Northern part of the Netherlands.
Here in the south, the landscape is flat, barren at times, lots of agriculture.

It took me almost an hour and a half to drive there, but it was fine.
I listened to the news, to the quiet.
All good.

A beautiful walk from the main entrance to the palace.
These are only the stables...

Then, coffee in a sumptuous cafe, replete with crystal chandeliers and friendly service.
I studied a bit, theories on organized crime, then people-watching.

On to the palace itself.  

If I can give you any advice at all, it would be to get the damn audio guide for €3.
I didn't have any cash on me (and would have been too much of a cheapskate anyway), and sadly enough, the museum only tells you about the pieces and art on display, not really the historical significance of every room.
So you end up seeing a lot of stuff, but don't KNOW anything about it.

There's a park as well, which is free, but I didn't go there because of the rotten weather and sheer laziness.
And they were ripping up the gorgeous box garden to the back of the palace, which was something I was keen to see.
I have a thing with box, or buxus sempervirens.
Mine all seem to die.

A walk back to the car along a wooded lane.

But I did get myself Jacques Tange cups and plates, a modern Delft blue version, and gorgeous.

Today is cold.
The husband is sick and depressed.
Son#1 is not doing well at school, putting no effort into his Cito tests (tests done every school year, nationally, to determine a child's level, starting at age 4...  ridiculous if you ask me).
His teacher told me he finishes his work in 15 minutes instead of the hour it takes all the other kids, that he's pig-headed (we know that), and that he scored the lowest of all the kids in a geography test, despite knowing the stuff by heart.
The teacher threw in nuances like 'which things will you find in towns, especially?'
He tripped over the nuance. 
We have a meeting next week.

I'm just going to drink coffee in my nice cups, and watch Baby TV with Son#3.
Keep it simple, that's my motto.

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