Sunday, January 19, 2014

Every day, we learn

Son#1, caught red-handed, chatting on the internet with a stranger.
We discovered an array of pornographic stuff that the inquisitive boy looked at.
Search terms in Google, that make your toes curl with anguish.
This boy has questions - lots of them - about sex:  Stuff he heard at school, it seems.

We were too trusting.
We should have checked up on him more, and as my mother said, we can't make him un-see what his eyes have now seen.

I had a talk with him about sex yesterday.
I'm such a prude, I'm not sure I did it right, but he did come with questions this morning, and I answered them.
Oh boy.

The husband put massive parental filters on the computer, but for now, no child of mine will be playing on the computer.
Especially not after my guest lecturer last week, telling us what a terribly common phenomenon 'grooming' is.
When you're a parent, you'd better not be naive.




  1. Thank heavens you caught him.... even though that sounds weird.
    You did right - and, if he feels comfortable enough to ask questions afterwards, you did more than just right. Brave, brave mama.

    1. Thanks Roos. My heart just aches today. Young & vulnerable, a big boy, but still so small and inexperienced with the sickos in the world. First-borns must put up with so much parental ineptitude. Phew!
