Sunday, January 13, 2013


Son#1 went for his first sleep-over at a friend's house last night - a girl, might I add.
We won't be allowing that in a couple of years' time...

The husband is sleeping late for a change and Son#2, Son#3 and I are having a royal breakfast.
Later on, I'll be going to Ikea to get a carpet for the living room, and hopefully to dump the kiddies at Smaland so I can drink coffee in peace and people-watching quiet.

I'm reading Tammy Strobel's You can buy happiness (and it's cheap too) about simplifying your life.  Downsizing it, in fact.  Less stuff.  More relationships.
I like the simple life, and I admire voluntary simplicity in all its forms.  It's the anti-consumerism that appeals to me greatly.  
And you don't need to take it very far, as is the case with Tammy Strobel (and her choices are not too far either - just farther than what I would choose for the circumstances for our lives right now - we need space for 3 growing boys). 

But all the physical crap that surrounds me in every room of our house is weighing me down.
More things that I feel guilty about either for:
a) buying in the first place
b) never cleaning
c) -big one- never even using...

Less is More.
Less stuff = more time to spend doing something else.
Something I might enjoy.

Think I'm chucking stuff away today.


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