Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mmmmmm again

And so we end another week.
Tomorrow is the first day of the academic quarter.

We went to pick Son#2 up from the in-laws' this afternoon.
My mother-in-law told us how they had had an altercation, and how she pulled him up from under the table, marching him to bed.
I didn't like that at all.
I appreciate that they looked after him, but I don't want them fighting with my kids.
Other than that, the weekend had gone well - Son#2, super loving, gave them kisses and hugs to oblivion and back.
My in-laws had been looking up my family tree on the internet as well, and I don't know why or what is wrong with me, but I didn't like that either.
I don't want to talk about my dad, and I don't want to talk about how my mother is doing. 
I can appreciate their interest, don't get me wrong.
But I don't like it.

We got home, and put the boys to bed.
I'm having tea, then following the kids' example and turning in.

Tomorrow is busy:  I have 4 hours to fill with my own voice, but I feel kind of sick and sad.
The husband is grumpy too, and short with the kids, and that makes me feel even more sad and lonesome.
Oh well.
Tomorrow will be better, right?.



  1. Add some honey to the tea honey, for your voice.
    Toi toi toi vandaag!!

  2. Trying my best not to break a leg (of a chair, over someone's head...)
    Have been behaving so far ;)
