Monday, November 3, 2014

Lunch break for 3

A movie on TV.
Mother and 2 out 3 sons utterly pooped.
A restless night and a zestless day.

Son#2's nausea finally came to fruition (I'll spare you the details).
He and I drove to my office this morning to get my things so I can work from home.
Not that I've done anything yet.
The procrastination is evidence of my lack of motivation.

Son#1's lunch break is almost done.

Meanwhile the trees are emptying their leaves out onto the streets, and the awful realization has dawned that winter is now really on its way.



  1. The sooner winter enters, the sooner spring will come!

    1. That's far too Calvinistic, Roos! Why should we have winter in the first place? I'm driven by hedonism, it seems...
