Friday, November 28, 2014

C'est Le Weekend: Discomfort zone

One can get addicted to stress, assuming it is the only way in which to survive & live.
But there is a flip-side of this dirty , dirty coin, which is simply calm and rejecting all that is stressful.

The pneumonia has felled my temper with the boys.
I've actually been nice to them.
I think it is really the fact that I've been away from work that has tempered my moods, and this is key:  Work is the one factor that will change, as soon as is damn-well possible.

One can continue long into a discomfort zone, not realizing the effect of the stressor nor even the possibility of living differently.
But I do.

I'm on my 11th day of fever.
In a mad rush, I had to have lung x-rays taken last night and will have blood tests this morning.
The doctor must think it's serious: I'm getting the results before 5 p.m. - a miracle in itself in the Nether Lands.

Rejecting stress: check.
Calm: check.



  1. It's a good thing you'll get your lab results before the weekend. Sounds like your doctor knows who he's dealing with :-) (And yes, lab results can be actually done in an hour.. that's the standard in my household, so count your blessings that you'll at least have to wait a bit longer.)
    But seriously, be careful with this pneumonia. You aren't over 65, your immune system isn't compromised, your not a lung patient - you have probably told yourself all that. However this can be dangerous, so take gooooood care of yourself. Right. Now.
