Monday, September 1, 2014


It has been such a busy, busy day so far, but I survived.
The director of the faculty seems placated for some reason (without my stirring), I had lessons that went well, introductions for the new students, running from campus to campus, copying gazillion manuals and sneaking tampons to a female colleague in need in our open-plan, male-infested offices.
Almost time to head on home.
Son#1 drove off in a huff this morning, refusing to greet us.
Son#2 returned home with an asthma attack.
The poor husband didn't have a chance to even have breakfast, and I was already gone with tantrumic Son#3 to daycare and on to work.
The dramas of the modern family.
As I walked into my office this morning, it struck me how this past year has been a year of 'firsts' too - every day, in fact.
This is the first 1st of September without my dad. 
Does it ever get better?

A wonderful student who lost his dad to pancreatic cancer last year - diagnosis to his death within 2 months, told me how his mother struggles. 
Life doesn't really give one the opportunity to process it, and perhaps that is a good thing too.
Perhaps it gets better along with the living of one's life?
The cliché 'learning to live with it' doesn't promise that everything will be A-Okay at some point, does it?
And we learn, every day.
Tonight, studying, kissing husband and kids, and then to bed, hoping for sleep.
Have a GOOD week, dear reader.

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