Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Just for Now

I slept like a babe last night.
The husband finally kicked me out of bed at 7h30 this morning.
Nothing like a good cold to knock you out.

I'm teaching again today, Victimology.
Trying to organize a guest lecturer from the police force - how do they deal with victims of rape?
The sad thing, is that the group of students always contains someone who has been a (family of) victim of violent crime - murder, rape, domestic violence, assault, robbery.
I must try to live more in appreciation of peace around me.

Meanwhile, I am flat broke.
After the Sinterklaas-madness, and just life in general, I have nothing left.
I'm expecting angry letters this week.
At least I have petrol in my car, and food in the freezer and cellar.
I cannot wait until Son#3 also goes to school when he turns 4 and we can skip his childcare fees every month.
I only work to pay for childcare.
All this stress just to do that.
Come on, Lottery.
Be mine.
Big Time.


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