Monday, January 30, 2012


Having grown up in a country where there are extreme cases of poverty, how strange it is now that I live in the Netherlands, with very few people who struggle to find food just for basic survival.
Here in the Netherlands, even the birds live in style.

I once had a conversation with an elderly lady who became very angry with me when I said that there is very little poverty here in the Netherlands.  I didn't mean the struggle-to-pay-the-rent-kind of poverty:  more the where-on-earth-will-we-get-food-to-eat-before-we-die-kind.  

My dad has workers that walk 25km to my parents' house to come ask for money for food or just whatever food my parents can spare.  There are people in South Africa who die of hunger.  
How awful if you die this way.  Like drowning in a crowded swimming pool.  All these people around but no-one to help you out of your dire situation.

Feel all inspired to do things better this week.  
Using all the things in the fridge.  
Have respect for money.  


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