Saturday, January 14, 2012

C'est Le Weekend: Desperately Seeking Sitter

No, dear reader, also in our home discord reigns most of the time.  Some days we just snap. Some days the kids snap.  And some days, like yesterday, the whole bunch of us just SNAP.  
This morning we are all left with a feeling that something broke yesterday.

Our babysitter has recently had a baby herself.  And with a baby of our own in the house, it's difficult to find someone able to handle three kiddies.  Or at least someone you can trust not to run away...  

I must sound like a model mother, don't I?  Can't help the feeling that I am bad at this parenting thing.  Do other people feel like this?  Because from my viewpoint, it seems that everyone else feels comfortable with their children and lives.  I manage behaviour, I certainly don't educate or raise children to be well-balanced and responsible adults.  Makes me very sad.

So here is my request that I'm chucking out in the Universe:  In need of a calm and kind babysitter that can handle my three boys, affordable, available for an evening every now and then so that the husband and I can escape for a quiet dinner and recharge our batteries.  To gain some perspective and think loving thoughts about our kids again.  To laugh at their behaviour instead of despair.

Being able to finish a conversation, mmmm, sounds like heaven to me.


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