Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oven-baked Chicory in cream for a Sparky Person

I've turned over a new leaf with regards to my diet.  On the spur of the moment, I decided to join SparkPeople, which is FREE and offers a calorie counter, gazillions of products that you can choose to track the number of calories you consume, advice, success stories and the like.
In short:  A modern-day virtual miracle for someone like me.  

Gives me the idea that I'm semi-in-charge of my life and diet.  I get to choose foods heavy on the calorie-side, or not.

Before you get excited, I should add that this is only Day 4 of my new improved diet.  So far so fantastic though, I've already lost 1.7kg in 3 days (inspiration!).  I also tracked what I eat on a typical day, and that amounted to more than 3000 calories, which is TWICE what I should eat if I want to lose weight.  Eye-opener!!!

This brings me back to my oven-baked chicory in cream.  Chicory has only 12 calories per 100g, fills you up and happens to be quite tasty!

Oven-Baked Chicory in Cream

You will need:

About 500g Chicory
About 100ml low-fat soy cream
Bit of grated cheese
Salt & pepper


Heat the oven to 200 degrees
In an upside down V-shape, cut out the bottom heart of the chicory.
Remove the outer leaves
Bring some salted water to the boil
Boil the chicory for 8 minutes
Drain well
Place the chicory in a shallow oven dish
Pour the cream on top
Add the grated cheese
Place in the middle of the hot oven for 20 minutes, until the cheese has browned.
Season to taste
Yum yum yummm!



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