Monday, January 30, 2012


Just in time for Valentine's Day, I paid a visit to the cardiologist.  
Have been passing out for a few years now.  
Six years ago, I heard that I have Neurocardiogenic Collapse, but now my new cardiologist questions this diagnosis.  
Apparently he's quite good, one of the better doctors in the country. 

Unfortunately I also have to see the neurologist and I have to do the dreaded Tilt Table Test again...

During the tilt table test, they strap you down, lie you down flat, then put you upright and give you some awful medication that makes your heart race like mad.   
The last time I had this, my heart rate went over 160 beats per minute and then I couldn't see the monitor anymore.  
Passed out.  
Two male nurses stood next to me reading the manual. 
I thought I was going to die.  

Was pretty damn depressed after all this news.  
Oh well.
Every downside has its upside I suppose:  After feeling so depressed I thought stuff it, work won't see me today.  
Spent the afternoon cleaning the house and eating fudge.
And it was gooooood.




Having grown up in a country where there are extreme cases of poverty, how strange it is now that I live in the Netherlands, with very few people who struggle to find food just for basic survival.
Here in the Netherlands, even the birds live in style.

I once had a conversation with an elderly lady who became very angry with me when I said that there is very little poverty here in the Netherlands.  I didn't mean the struggle-to-pay-the-rent-kind of poverty:  more the where-on-earth-will-we-get-food-to-eat-before-we-die-kind.  

My dad has workers that walk 25km to my parents' house to come ask for money for food or just whatever food my parents can spare.  There are people in South Africa who die of hunger.  
How awful if you die this way.  Like drowning in a crowded swimming pool.  All these people around but no-one to help you out of your dire situation.

Feel all inspired to do things better this week.  
Using all the things in the fridge.  
Have respect for money.  


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Ozzy Osbourne

Move over!

We went to the Action the other day to buy cheap files for my work.  
Son#2 couldn't resist the cool guitar made of compressed paper & 'Born to be Wild' tunes (how appropriate!). 
He drew a whole crowd.

Love the Action - everything is cheap and most probably useless, but it's always filled to the brim with shoppers and I love that they even sell Lego at greatly reduced prices.

I  ♥ cheap!


Friday, January 27, 2012

C'est Le Weekend: Entertainment Required!

As soon as the weekend arrives, we're always lost for an outing with the boys.  Where could one go with young & wild boys without spending an arm and a leg??  

A colleague told me about the Museumkaart which gives free entrance to over 400 museums in the Netherlands.  She has grandchildren and is keen to find places that are entertaining for kids as well.  

Bless her cotton socks because this must be the invention of the century!

This weekend we're hitting the Army Museum in Delft - military stuff for war-hungry mini warriors.  Perrrrrfect.  

I need to find the large bunny with the gun in the picture above.


NASA's new headquarters

Right here in our very own home


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Tourette's Syndrome

Some days I feel like I have Tourette's Syndrome:  All I desire is to blurt out the one expletive and profanity after the other.  
And I like it.

Sadly, I'm extremely naive.  And emotional.  A toxic combination if you deal with the idiots freely roaming the planet.  
I keep thinking that people have something kind and human in them, but perhaps that  'human'-part is just the problem.  
Perhaps 'human'  and 'kind'  are opposites of each other.  

My bosses are human, I am kind (well, most of the time).  
My bosses refuse to pay me for work done, work they gave me to do.   

Last night I went to bed with their faces fresh in my memory.  
I had the most fantastic time falling asleep, literally reciting all the swear words I could think of.  And it was sublime, let me tell you.  I fell asleep like a baby.  
(I was woken 15 minutes later by Son#3 with coughing, teething, crying and asthma, but that's another story).

Today is another working day, lots to do.  But I'm taking it slowly and doing it on my terms.  
That's priceless. 
The price one has to pay for being a victim and a sucker is just too high.   


Wednesday, January 25, 2012


At the gate of the miserable rich man, lies the contented beggar.

In other words: stuff won't make you happy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Conflict conflict conflict

There is discord at work.  Have been working very very hard the last few months, but nothing seems to go well. 
Feel very demotivated today. 

This heightens my need to find my place in this world.  Work and life and prospects don't feel nice right now.  I need to take steps in the right direction.  Not the wrong one.

What I would most like to do today is fetch the boys, the husband and just be together.  And not to cry in front of colleagues. 
It has become such a wasp's nest the last few years, I don't know who is trustworthy or kind anymore. 

Meanwhile Son#2 struggles with tummy aches and wakeful nights:  He's starting school in a few weeks' time and I think it is hounding him, poor bunny.
Son#3 wakes every 2 hours so his Mama is tired today. 
Son#1 is wonderful and calm and sensitive and funny.

Today what I crave is a sign:  Where to go, what to do and how to afford it. 
Please please please please please.


Sunday, January 22, 2012

Time for a 5 Year Plan

In 5 years' time, I'd like my life to be very different.  I would like to have a very different job for a different phase of my life.  All 3 boys will be in school by then, more time free to pursue other things.

Pity that I have this nasty old habit of stopping and starting various studies - from accountancy to psychology to criminology to education...  Think I should stop listing them now before I completely embarrass myself.  

I don't generally look back and regret things but one thing I've always been sad about is not having pursued a career in medicine.  Sigh.  Perhaps in my next life.

No nasty habit is ever cast in stone and I can always work hard to try and change all these silly ways of doing things, I suppose.  But which direction to choose??  Any ideas?  I like so many things!

List of requirements:
  • preferably be own boss or have lots of freedom
  • replace current salary
  • work with (small groups of) people
  • better the world albeit in a small way (i.e. don't have to become a banker etc)

Watch this space...


Saturday, January 21, 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Swedish for Emergencies

Everything is going to be OK

You never know when you might need it.


And then I was Dutch

I went to the municipality to swear an oath to be Dutch.  

It was a fuzzy ceremony, just like the picture.  

A kind man from the municipality gave a short speech.  
He spoke slowly so all the foreigners in the room could understand.  
So many people from so many different places across the globe.   

I was called to come stand in front of the room together with others.  The husband insisted on applauding after each person was sworn in as a brand spanking new Dutch citizen.

We had gone to lots of trouble and spent lots of money to get my citizenship.  
And then the ceremony was over too fast.

Never mind.  Now I can vote.  Move freely over the planet.  
All the places we can go now!


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Africa on Fire

One of my students, a Nigerian, has two boys and a husband back in Northern Nigeria.  Lots of ruptions there, bombs thrown into churches, Muslims killed, strikes everywhere.  How awful that she is here and can't assess the situation accurately.  She says she feels hysterical at times not knowing whether her family is safe or not. 

A South African acquaintance's child of 2 became a ball of flames over New Year's when a bottle of fire starter ignited in her father's hands; the flame jumping 3 meters onto this little girl and leaving her with third degree burns over 80% of her tiny body.  She is still alive, and I hope she'll live to tell her tale of triumph.

Two tiny specks in the grand scheme of things but (potentially) life-changing events in two people's lives. 

We're all so vulnerable. 
There really should be more kindness and love in this world.


Evening Traffic in Breda

It's busy on the river


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

T-huis in the Valkenberg Park

The most wonderful cafe in the world:  the T-huis in the city park in Breda.  
It is a tea room, only open during the day.  
Great views of the play area for kids.  Great coffee. Good wines and beers. (Mom & Dad can get tipsy whilst watching the kiddies play).  Yummy toasted sandwiches.  
Love the pink and orange chairs, the grey cement, glass walls, the words all lit up on top.

It is the place in Breda that I most like to be at.  I will think of any excuse to go here.  

Lots of decisions in our lives have been made here.  
Good spot to rethink the way we do things.  Somehow all our conversations here center around how we live or could do it differently.

Pity it has been raining so much lately.  The sandpit is filled with water.  
Son#1 and Son#2 have trouble understanding why they can't gallop like horses through the water when it's only 5 degrees outside.   

Simply love this place.  
All the seasons parade past its windows throughout the year.  
Views of the Church.
People watching par excellence.
Good vibes galore.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Use it or Lose out

My mother and I are connected in a strange way.  We often have the same thoughts even though we live 14 000 km apart.

This past weekend, my parents held a lunch for about 14 people.  My dad built a table, my brother cooked, my mother decorated and let her creativity rip.  Afterwards my mother said she couldn't believe how well it all went (and they never entertain anyone) and that her initial fear was only because she didn't have the confidence to do it.

You must understand:  we are a people with low self-esteem, always stepping back for others.  Too nice.  Thinking we are Natural Born Nitwits.  It's a blooming disease.  

While I was thinking about turning forty in 2 years' time, and how I feel that my life could have been so much more interesting, how I need to tell my boys that they need to enjoy life, use their talents, be themselves and be free, my mother was thinking the exact same thing.  Strange.

Because the truth is this and it's really very simple at the end of the day:  You either use your talents and be yourself, or you will lose out.   That's a certainty in life.  Like death.

And I can whine about my years lost in a haze of life and laziness, or I can pull up my socks and try my damndest every single day to improve my life from now on.  Whether my life will continue for 50 more years, or for a week, or until 23 December 2012.  It's arbitrary, really.

This weightloss-thing is a step in the right direction.  I've wanted to lose weight for a while now, I already feel so much better.  Why postpone?  Why keep living with a feeling of being unsatisfied about the way I look and feel?  Why, if I could change it?

Change is scary.  Very scary.  But it's also easier than I think.

Baby steps this week.  

Wishing you lots of baby steps in the right direction for your life these next 7 days. 


This is what it looks like.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Oven-baked Chicory in cream for a Sparky Person

I've turned over a new leaf with regards to my diet.  On the spur of the moment, I decided to join SparkPeople, which is FREE and offers a calorie counter, gazillions of products that you can choose to track the number of calories you consume, advice, success stories and the like.
In short:  A modern-day virtual miracle for someone like me.  

Gives me the idea that I'm semi-in-charge of my life and diet.  I get to choose foods heavy on the calorie-side, or not.

Before you get excited, I should add that this is only Day 4 of my new improved diet.  So far so fantastic though, I've already lost 1.7kg in 3 days (inspiration!).  I also tracked what I eat on a typical day, and that amounted to more than 3000 calories, which is TWICE what I should eat if I want to lose weight.  Eye-opener!!!

This brings me back to my oven-baked chicory in cream.  Chicory has only 12 calories per 100g, fills you up and happens to be quite tasty!

Oven-Baked Chicory in Cream

You will need:

About 500g Chicory
About 100ml low-fat soy cream
Bit of grated cheese
Salt & pepper


Heat the oven to 200 degrees
In an upside down V-shape, cut out the bottom heart of the chicory.
Remove the outer leaves
Bring some salted water to the boil
Boil the chicory for 8 minutes
Drain well
Place the chicory in a shallow oven dish
Pour the cream on top
Add the grated cheese
Place in the middle of the hot oven for 20 minutes, until the cheese has browned.
Season to taste
Yum yum yummm!



Saturday, January 14, 2012

Child Labour

is highly under-rated


C'est Le Weekend: Desperately Seeking Sitter

No, dear reader, also in our home discord reigns most of the time.  Some days we just snap. Some days the kids snap.  And some days, like yesterday, the whole bunch of us just SNAP.  
This morning we are all left with a feeling that something broke yesterday.

Our babysitter has recently had a baby herself.  And with a baby of our own in the house, it's difficult to find someone able to handle three kiddies.  Or at least someone you can trust not to run away...  

I must sound like a model mother, don't I?  Can't help the feeling that I am bad at this parenting thing.  Do other people feel like this?  Because from my viewpoint, it seems that everyone else feels comfortable with their children and lives.  I manage behaviour, I certainly don't educate or raise children to be well-balanced and responsible adults.  Makes me very sad.

So here is my request that I'm chucking out in the Universe:  In need of a calm and kind babysitter that can handle my three boys, affordable, available for an evening every now and then so that the husband and I can escape for a quiet dinner and recharge our batteries.  To gain some perspective and think loving thoughts about our kids again.  To laugh at their behaviour instead of despair.

Being able to finish a conversation, mmmm, sounds like heaven to me.


C'est Le Weekend: The Moving House Countdown

In about 3 months, we will move to our new house
with room to swing a cat.

15 Weekends left to PURGE our house
of all the rubbish we have accumulated
in the last ten years...


Friday, January 13, 2012

Onion Soup for Dummies (that includes me)

Cooking yummy onion soup shouldn't be complicated, and it isn't. All these years have gone by and only now have I started enjoying this.  Pity!

I found this recipe in a cheap vegetarian cookery book (not an even an author mentioned anywhere - so there is no-one I can give credit to).

‘Licious Onion soup


About 6 medium-large white onions.
About 1 glass of dry white wine
2-3 heaped tablespoons flour
Olive oil
2 vegetable stock cubes
about 1 litre of water

2 Baguettes
Grated Gruyere cheese


Peel & Slice the onions into thin rings
Heat oil in a heavy bottom pot & add onions
Fry until onions start turning translucent & brown (about 10 minutes on medium heat)
Add 2-3 heaped tablespoons of flour and stir until onions are coated
Add white wine
Cook for a few minutes so the alcohol in the wine will evaporate
(then it’s also suitable for kids)
Then add stock cubes and hot water.
Leave to simmer for about an hour, checking regularly.
Don’t let it boil, just a gentle simmer is fine.

When almost ready to eat, start the baguettes:
Slice thinly and stack tightly next to each other on an oven platter
Cover with grated gruyere
Place under a hot grill until cheese has melted and starts to brown.

Ladle soup into bowls and add slices of baguettes on top.

You can add some more gruyere now if you wish.
CAREFUL:  The soup under the bread is HOT!

Et voila!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

De Vrije Boekhandel in the Veemarktstraat

This is my favourite corner in the centre of Breda:

That beautiful bookshop all lit up is the Vrije Boekhandel 

I've loved that shop for years, although I hardly ever go in.  They sell some English books, but not many, and most of those are fiction which I don't generally read.  They have ladders on rails that run along the bookshelves.  I love that.

This little corner is on the quieter side of town, closer to the park (which is gorgeous, will add a photo when the sun is out again).  

The gables of all the buildings just hit you in the face:  WOW!  I live in the Netherlands!

I'm getting my Dutch citizenship next week.  It took so much effort to get to this point.  
Glad that (for now) I'm allowed to keep my South African passport as well.  

Little bit of home and history in a thin little book. 
You don't lose your identity when you cross the border.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My dad's Green Bean & Blue Cheese recipe

Did I mention that my parents can cook great food?  Or that my brother is a fantastic chef?  Shame, isn't it then, that when I moved to Europe at the age of 26, I still couldn't cook.  
Had to survive on crackers, cottage cheese, peanut butter and Granny Smith apples when I first moved to London.  Great weight-loss tool though:  I was thin as a rake.

This recipe is one my dad uses all the time, but I've simplified it simply because I don't have all the ingredients in the house.  Easy, cheap as can be and delicious.  Perfect for our salmon dinner tonight as I have an immensely busy week back at work.  Sigh.  And, FYI:  we never did get around to cleaning the house after all...

Divine Green Beans with Blue cheese


500g of frozen green beans
100g of Danish Blue cheese
small knob of butter


Bring unsalted water to the boil
Cook the beans according to instructions (about 8 minutes)
Crumble the blue cheese

When the beans have cooked, drain & then rinse under cold water
(preserves the bright green colour)
Put the butter in the saucepan
Add the beans
Throw the blue cheese in
Close the lid for about 5 minutes.
The blue cheese will melt.
Mix well and munch!

You could also add some chopped walnuts and even some bacon.
Goes great with just about everything!


Lonely Cafe

In need of some love & attention


Monday, January 9, 2012


I drew the long straw yesterday:  The husband went with Son#1 and Son#2 to Aquatopia in Antwerp (and boohoo, they don't allow buggies in Aquatopia meaning we would have had to to carry Son#3 all the time), so Son#3 and I got to go to the MAS-museum instead.  

It's a beautiful building with sweeping views over Antwerp and beyond.  
The architecture is unique.  

Have to admit:  I don't know much about architecture, but the building feels right.  
The exhibits are interesting:  not too arty-farty, more cultural anthropology.
Right up my alley.

The cafe on the bottom floor is a bit small and expensive although the coffee was great. 

Nowhere to wipe Son#3's bum.  
But the bliss of being semi-childless was wonderful.   Son#3 is such an easy baby.
Stimulation of my last few remaining brain cells mostly appreciated.  

Wish I could give the husband an opportunity to do something like this.  The poor man has been working hard.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Longing for the Languedoc

This is the view I hope to be gazing at in February should the husband get leave:

A tiny hamlet in the Languedoc: Tudery. A house called La Roque.    
This will be the third time that we go to this region.  Boring, I know...  But I LOVE it there:  the arid climate, rocks everywhere, not too many tourists, the quiet is simply sublime. 

We will rent the house from a Dutch couple who were clever enough to leave this wet & overcrowded corner of the globe for better things.  Their business is called MidiMaison.  They have a number of homes that they rent out for reasonable prices.  The houses are unique, beautifully furnished and clean.  I read an article about them many years ago and have been dreaming of going there ever since. 

My favourite so far is L'Amandier  in the hamlet of Cazo.  If I won the lottery today, THAT is the home I would go to.  I love it.  It's where I'm meant to be.  

Now we're crossing all fingers, toes, limbs and whatever else is foldable on my body that the husband will get leave for the holiday.  

Will start brushing up on my French in the meantime.


Don't touch!

 I mean it!

Friday, January 6, 2012

C'est Le Weekend: Bless this Mess

This entire weekend will be devoted
to cleaning up the landfill that is our home

So that we can find stuff we need
not be ashamed of our dirty house 
should we die right this instant

Leave all cares behind

Because that ship has sailed

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Walk away that flab!

So, after feeling all sorry for the self, I decided last night that enough was enough and it was time to do it differently.

All this negativity can easily be fixed by just taking a different approach.

Without giving it too much thought (one can think almost anything good into an abyss), I put on my running shoes, a new pair of running pants that were still in the bag that I brought it home in from the shop 4 months ago, and popped in my walking DVD by Leslie Sansone

Indoor walking is the miracle that anyone with the coordination of a total nitwit has been waiting for.  No more public humiliation.  

I am probably the most uncoordinated person you will ever come across.  Ever.  

I'm the type where in an aerobics class, the instructor will stop the entire class to show me what to do - again and again.  
Back in high school, we had try-outs for discus throwing:  My discus went UP instead of forward.  I still burst out laughing when I think of all the people on that sports field scattering to avoid the discus coming back down.  
My inability to move with grace and coordination started early:  I was kicked out of ballet at the age of 5, gymnastics at 7.  No kidding, those mean people kick unpromising kids out.

I first bought Leslie Sansone's 'Walk away the pounds' book (I know it sounds cheesy, but it works) a couple of years ago.  It includes a 15 minute one-mile walk DVD to get you started.  I also have her 3-mile Weightloss Walk DVD which has me panting within the first 5 minutes.  Leslie talks a lot but she's positive, and positive is good.

Strange how moving makes you feel better.  Perhaps I needn't get all midlife-crisis-y.  Just focusing on a bit of exercise might just do the trick.  Mmmm.

Today I'll be at it again.  What's 15 minutes of my life anyway?


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The need for travel during a mid-life crisis

Speaking of the lottery, a friend of mine won the lottery over New Year's.  Together with her neighbourhood, they won 20 million big kahunas, right here in Breda.  
She needs it:  newly divorced, sick, 2 kids.  
Someone has to win it.  Lucky, huh?

Meanwhile, with not much money, I'm trying to organise a break for the 5 of us in February.  We need a change of scenery.  Fast.  

A nagging discontent has gripped me the last few weeks, and try as I might, throwing positivity at it doesn't make it disappear.   

I sometimes find myself not even being happy for the fortune that befalls others (abovementioned case in point).  
I'm not like this, you know.  
Disappointed in myself and my reactions. 

I realise the need for a mid-life crisis:  One needs to evaluate one's chosen path and whether one wants to continue along this way.  This is necessary.  But it can suck.

In my twenties, up to my early thirties even, I had a firm belief that I could do anything.  We could go anywhere.  
But then a shift occurred.  
We had kids.  
Experienced lows and happiness.  
You have a mortgage, a car, a job that makes sure you can go into a supermarket and buy basic foodstuffs.  
That nasty status-trap...  
And you stick to these things because by hook or by crook, you don't want your quasi-hippie attitude to impact negatively on the 3 boys running around your house.  
And you definitely don't want to crawl back to friends and family with your tail between your legs and your pride underfoot from your hovel in Tarifa where you had it really good but couldn't make a living to support a family of 5.  


Right now all I want is to get away for a while.  One needs to travel and get away during a crisis.  Travelling gives perspective.  Room to breathe again.  

Nothing wrong with running away from your problems.  They'll still be there when you get back, as Ladybird Johnson once said.

Have suitcase and full fuel tank, will travel.  

Just looking at all these places we could go to, makes me happy.  

It's not the destination that counts, it's the whole process of getting there that can be simply delicious.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012


Great news:  We won the lottery.  A whole 10 bucks!  The ticket cost me 15 bucks but that is beside the point.  We won.  What oh what will we do with this glorious prize??  Choices galore.  

According to Louise Hay (self-love guru & original Law of Attraction prophet), I should have been more specific:  Not 'I am winning the lottery' but rather 'I'm winning the grand prize in the lottery'.  Something to think about.

Think I'll drag Son#1 off to the movies with our winnings today as we still have holidays from school this week.  Sitting down, eating popcorn & watching movies:  Sounds like a perfect combination to me. 

Have a great week!