Saturday, March 15, 2014

All the places we belong (or not)

Please excuse the odd photo - there is something distinctly wrong with my phone's camera.
This happens when one buys the cheapest stuff available, I guess.
But the message is clear:  We either belong somewhere, or we're being excluded.

It was odd to see this - really see this - for the first time in action at Son#2's birthday party on Wednesday.
The kids would form groups and stake their territory (e.g. the enormous jumping castle in that indoor play hell), going so far as to push each other off the thing.

And so it is with the magnificent hut Son#1 and Friends built in our garden with all the branches the husband had sawn off.
Someone was part of the group - someone with a name starting with D - but then excluded again.
Kids can be so cruel.
Us Adults do it more subtly - sometimes, but not always.

I'm off to a rugby match and screwing up their coffee machines and cash registers.
Let the games begin.


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