Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Day of Play

Luckily for me, the husband told me that we sucked as parents and that we should do better.
Be better.

So I turned the corner, at least for one day, to try not get angry when the beastie boys break the one thing after the other, when they run into the house with muddy feet, or if they don't listen or fight (red flag, red flag).

I dragged Son#1 and Son#2 off to Roosendaal, about 40 km from our house, but worth the drive, to a huge outdoor playground, Vrouwenhof.

It was great!  The boys played for hours (4 in total!!), and I actually managed to finish an entire page and a half in a book inbetween looking up to watch Son#2 going down slides that are higher than our 3-storey house.

There is a huge terrace where you can order snacks and drinks, and even take your picnic blanket and eat your own stuff on the lawn.  All for €2,50 per kid.  I got to play for free.
Son#2 even made canonballs from sand which he hoped to harden in the sun.


Now another day has dawned and I wonder what I'll be doing today.  
Oh well, we can only watch and see as the day pans out.

Have a good one!



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