Saturday, September 14, 2013

Party freak

Son#1 has 2 parties this weekend.
First, last night, a Friday-the-13th-fest.
He went as Hiphop Zombie.

Complete with scars and blood on his face, a shirt and tie, cool shoes and suspenders, undone ofcourseyes.

This afternoon, he went to Party #2, a sports-party I think, as he had to go in sports gear and on his bike.
He's getting big, he went to both parties all on his very own.
He was dropped off at 9 last night, and fell asleep next to me, his head at an uncomfortable angle on my shoulder.
My love.

I went to the hairdresser, who unfortunately, did not accept credit cards.
This means that my hair's money went off my grocery budget, meaning I'm now close to broke.
Thank the gods for a thrifty husband.
We've spent the past week working out our budget.
These are tough times.
We earn good salaries, but luxuries have been stripped.

The government's policies are screwing the middle classes, and we are at the higher-and-getting-screwed-the-most-level.
Things are easier in Germany.
Just another year and a half, then Son#3 is also going to school, which means I'll have something of my salary left after paying childcare, which costs over a thousand bucks a month, and that for only 2,5 days' use of childcare.
If I would work more, I would only pay more.
Sigh sigh sigh.

We just have to sit it out.
It could always be worse.
We could have no jobs, no house and no prospects.
Always lots to be grateful for.

And we have BULGING apple trees, all 100% organic and we-didn't-lift-a-blooming-finger-to-look-after-them, supplying us with enormous amounts of free apple sauce.


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