Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fabulous Farming

We went to our local organic farm's Harvest Festival yesterday morning, and ended up spending more than 3 hours there.

The biggest highlight was most probably the tractor ride through the fields.

My friend Karen, highly pregnant, and her 2 kiddies came along.
The kids found an old canon from the Second World War in the fields, and Son#2 found and hogged a toad, which he refused to set free.


The husband bought ice creams, twice.

(But I suspect that he felt bad after Son#3 split his lip when Daddy unexpectedly threw a handbrake turn in the parking area.  Tut tut.  Men = Boys).

We ate cake and drank coffee and the kids made vases out of pumpkins and decorated cupcakes.  
We bought apples and plums (which have gone into a jar with gin and sugar for delicious plum gin which we'll be gulping in a few months' time).
Son#1 made a beeswax candle, we spoke to the beekeeper and learned about bees, and the husband had a long and interesting conversation with the farmer on how he chooses which crops to plant.
A nice guy.
The farm is so lovely, because they also provide work and care facilities for people with all sorts of handicaps.  
A system which cares for the more vulnerable ones amongst us, is surely to be commended.

We returned home satiated and happy.
It's wonderful to be outside when it's sunny.
And then the husband went to play guitar and I painted for an hour.
Small joys.

I feel better.
One needs to be hysterically pathetic every now and then.
Whatever happens now, is what I can handle now (as my Zen teacher said).
Contented sigh.


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