Sunday, September 15, 2013

New word

Satan (a.k.a. Son#2) woke me at 5h20.
It is Sunday.
I was miffed, to say the least, especially after he then woke Son#1 and Son#3 as well.
The husband is happily sleeping on, with the happy prospect of going to Breda this afternoon to see Bettie Serveert in concert.

My day is not so glamorous:  I have a lecture to prepare on white-collar crime, then the husband will go leaving me with 3 kids that need dinner.

I need a night off from making dinner and putting up with late-afternoon-tired-kids, and plan on taking it next week.
Even if it's just going for a walk around Breda on a dry night, and only returning after everyone has had dinner.
Or taking the husband's car and zipping down the highway somewhere and back.

For now, it is quiet and I'm sitting in the kitchen, reading up on the dangers of wheat and sipping tea.
It will rain again today, I'm sure.
But that's Okay.

Later, I'll phone my parents and hopefully my dad will have had a good day.
He has a toothache, on top of all the other pain.
When you've had a prosthetic (like in his case, a hip replacement), you need to take antibiotics before you can do anything involving blood, like visiting a dentist.
Who knew.
Hang in there, daddykins.




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