Thursday, September 26, 2013

Get back up

My dad was admitted to the hospital again yesterday after my mom had to get the ambulance to come and help her.
His coordination was so out of whack that he couldn't get up on his own.
To make a long, sad story short, my mom is getting help from my dad's orthopedic surgeon today to get their shitty oncologist fired, and a new one employed.

The shitty one keeps telling all and sundry that my dad is refusing ALL treatment, while this is not the case, he's just refusing the chemo-part of the treatment. 
This means that, when Mr Shitty is called in the middle of the night because my dad has problems of some kind or another, he will tell them NOT to treat him, while my dad WANTS treatment.
The stress that this idiot has caused our family is enormous.  
Why should one have to fight for one's life AND fight a doctor's over-inflated, self-interested ego as well?
I don't understand people, and I don't understand life.

I had a class this morning, 49 students that had to be squished into a class suitable for 30.
I started crying - in front of my colleagues (bad, bad Yo).
Luckily a colleague-friend gave me a hug, told me she would split the class into 2 groups, and that she would take the one group to another room so I could teach the remaining group.
I'm only going back on Tuesday next week, and don't plan on doing anything to do with work until then.
Will have to put my professional mask on for Tuesday.

Meanwhile, I picked Son#3 up early from daycare.

We saw sheep and stopped by the side of the road so Son#3 could converse with them.
It was meaningful, and calm.
Both things that I appreciate today in my stressed state.

Now Son#3 is lying on the couch, munching peanuts and it is calm and quiet in the house.
The husband will be home early to pick up Thing#1 and #2 up from school on the bikes.  
Thing#1 is coming around in terms of behaviour, but Thing#2 is still a tough cookie.
We clash a lot, because every request is met with a firm, tantrumic No.
I don't want my dad to die, and I don't want my mother to suffer as she does.
I've had it with problems and illness and stress and responsibilities today.
Give me a break, Universe.


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