Friday, April 27, 2012

C'est Le Weekend: Au revoir my sweet

Son#2 just took the train with his paternal grandmother to spend the weekend there.
He was so excited that he put on his jacket this morning at 8h00 already, walking through the house with his suitcase, packing and unpacking his things, and refusing to believe that his grandmother would only arrive 3 hours later.
Poor bunny, but his patience paid off.

Some breathing space, I suppose, but I will miss his positive energy that he throws about the house.

Meanwhile Son#1 has been sent to his room for the millionth time today, Son#3 is peacefully taking a nap, the husband is at work, and I have a moment for myself to sip my coffee and read my emails.  
Even managed to get a bit of work done.  The stress being on 'a bit'.

I worry about Son#1.  
His behaviour is erratic and confrontational, every day, all day.
Having very little experience with children, I have to admit that I don't know what is 'normal'  for almost-7-year-olds.  
Yesterday I flipped out completely after he started laughing at me for the umpteenth time when I scolded him.
I didn't see red, I saw BLACK.  
Being a loving parent wasn't part of my repertoire yesterday. 
Parents are just people too, you know.

It won't help much to pile worries about Son#1 on my shoulders as well this weekend.  
This is the weekend when we have to pack up our life.
It's like giving birth, let me tell you.
Painful, laborious and inevitable.
Wish us luck!



  1. luck! luck! luck! I am still laughing about your adventure at the movies with the boys...

  2. I´m glad SOMEONE is laughing!!! Thanks for the luck, we´ll be needing it... Have an ostrich mentality and I can already tell it´s not going to get us far!!!
