Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Anything is Possible

It really is.

(Trying hard to cheer the self up after a tough day yesterday with Thing 1 and Thing 2)

We went to see the Lorax yesterday at the movies.
It cost me a bundle (55€ and I snuck in our own juices!!) and Son#2 threw a tantrum in the theatre and pulled the hair of the woman in front of us a few times.
Shame engulfed my face and soul.
Then Son#2 was taken to the WC, we came back and of course Son#1 suddenly had to go too.
He went on his own - fine, but then didn't come back.

I started getting a bit frantic and pulled Son#2 along and apologised for having to shuffle past all the people we had just shuffled past, and went looking for him.
Found him up front by the screen - he couldn't find us in the dark.

Then Son#2 said he needed to go to the WC again, I refused as we had just been, a tantrum followed, a good talking-to outside the theatre with some threats of physical violence, we returned and then he urinated on the seat.

I've only described the scenes at the movies.
As not to overwhelm you, dear reader, I've omitted the rest of my - shall we call it interesting - day.

Anything is possible.
It is possible that that movie seat dries before someone has to use it again (I'm never eating dropped popcorn again - ever),
and it is possible that the boys might listen well today and be helpers instead of hamperers.
If that's even a word.


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