Thursday, March 8, 2012


Everyone woke up crying this morning at 5h45.  This includes the husband and I.  Sigh. 

I feel like I'm losing touch with life itself - the husband and I shuffle past each other in the house, we have different sleeping patterns, different hours and (this irks me the most) different tasks that we have to do in order to keep our house and kids semi-running.  

I hate tasks.

Tasks include feeding kids, clothing kids, packing lunches for school, taking the various kids off to various schools, doing the laundry, packing and unpacking dishwashers, searching for clothes in laundry baskets that still-need-to-be-folded-sorted-and-packed-away. 
It also includes cleaning and cooking and vacuuming and paying bills.

What can I say...  
Domesticity is a drag.

In the background, the husband is fighting a losing battle with Son#2 who is picking a hole in his cheek after being bitten by a mosquito (and he is allergic to mosquito bites).  
Try getting a plaster on an irrate four-year-old's cheek.

This dear reader, is how we started our day.  
Let's hope we can culminate the day in a better way.
Crossing all fingers, toes and limbs.


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