Tuesday, August 12, 2014

We start again (in many ways)

We're back from Germany, and it was absolutely lovely.
An inexpensive, clean-though-retro-seventies apartment.
The landscape dotted with rolling hills and forests, castles galore.
If you live in the Nether Lands, rest assured that hills are a big deal.

We went out for dinner twice, one Italian and one Thai-Chinese restaurant in Frankenburg, which belonged to the Franks, as in Saxons versus Franks-saga.

Yesterday the husband was still off work, and we drove to Eindhoven to look at a car and go to the Eindhoven Museum.
And what a great place it was!

But the boys were killing each other off all morning, and after sleep - interrupted, as in every night - our fuses were short.

I got my blood test results back but they were inconclusive.
This caused quite a bit of public tears in some German town we were in at the time.
I just want answers.

I have another appointment with the endocrinologist on the 22nd of August, and some more blood tests to test my cortisol.

But I've also started the Autoimmune Protocol, which for a fussy sometimes fish-eating vegetarian, is tough.
I'm trying this for a month and will then see how that goes.
The aim is just to feel better, GET better, have energy and less pain.
I've heard some good things about it.
The detox of day 1 and 2 was tough:  no more coffee, no more wine, and the same goes for bread (or any gluten or grain), nightshades, dairy, eggs...
You might be wondering what I eat then?
Well so far I've had baked broccoli for breakfast, I snack on some fruit (not a lot), mostly carrots, sweet potato, onions, mushrooms and salmon.
I'm working up the courage to eat meat again, but that won't be happening today, I can tell you.
Pretty soon I'll be eating steaks for breakfast, harhar.

Today the boys have been lounging around, alternately playing in the playroom, fighting and watching TV.
Right now, they're hanging like loose rags in front of the TV, with popcorn.
The weather is unpredictable - raining and then followed by beaming sunshine.
A never-ending cycle today (thank you, Left-Overs of Hurricane Bertha).
And in the quiet interludes, I study like a woman possessed.


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