Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Day After

Like I told you yesterday, I took the boys out for cake and watched them eat it, without saying thank you etc.
They ran riot in the shops, and Son#1, who had brought along his birthday money, bought himself a radio controlled car, promising to buy his 2 brothers something as well (he didn't).

At home again, the general mayhem and fighting was interspersed with Son#2's whining and tantrums - he also wanted a radio controlled car.

Then the SECOND car (the slightly boring suburban one which fit wonderfully into our budget) we were in the process of purchasing, was sold out from under our noses.
How is that possible??
Whazzup Universe.

By 4 o'  clock when Son#2's whining reached a crescendo, I got in my car and went to buy 2 damn radio controlled cars for Son#2 and #3 just so they could shut the hell up (bad parenting, I know, but come on, it was my birthday for crying out loud).

By 5 o' clock I took a shower, and lay on my bed, buck naked, not worried about my boobs sagging into my armpits after breastfeeding 3 babies, thinking for a long time.
Then I told the husband to take care of dinner, got in the car and went to a movie on my own, about a woman who got screwed, got clever and then dangerous (which was kind of how I felt).
And that, dear Reader, is how I spent my 40th birthday.


1 comment:

  1. I saw "Boyhood" yesterday. A must see for boys' moms I think (= proof that they turn out just fine eventually :-))))
