Thursday, August 14, 2014


One benefit of having an old-car-but-not-willing-to-drive-it-anymore, is that one doesn't go anywhere, and neither does one spend money.
One makes do with what one has - food in the house, cleaning stuff, cooking proper food.
Even the kids have taken to the playroom, Playmobil and Duplo, the TV long forgotten.

The search for a new vehicle continues.
I spent half the day looking at cars on the internet, and found a cool replacement for the one we missed yesterday.
But it is also on the pricey side, and we may just decide to buy a boring old suburban car and use the other money one day for a new bathroom that doesn't leak.
There are options still, and if one has options, one should count one's blessings, methinks.

The most spectacular news I have today is that I, a vegetarian for the last 20-odd years, ate bacon.
And it tasted good.
I'm already plotting to ask the husband to start making biltong (a South African dried meat snack, close to American beef jerky, I guess), and thinking about how I can get the boys to switch from their largely carbohydrate diet (bread for breakfast & lunch, pasta for dinner) to a healthier meat & veg based one.

I listened to an interview with Tim Noakes on Youtube, about how his overall inflammation in his body dropped after he cut out all carbohydrates, and with Son#2 and #3's continuous bronchitis/asthma/pneumonia infections, it makes sense to me.
And (if you're too lazy to listen to the 17 minute clip on Youtube), did you know that the food pyramid we've all been relying on since 1977 was set up by a vegan with no nutritional training?
Kind of shocking if you consider the booming rates of obesity, cancers, and heart disease we've been experiencing since then.
All the scientific evidence points towards the benefits of the Paleo lifestyle.
My lecture finished.

So, dear reader, today is my last day of being in my thirties, and when I think about it - after never having worried about my age before, even forgetting how old I am - it makes me feel quite emotional.
Being on the Autoimmune Protocol, means no wine to chin-chin myself into the next decade of what is hopefully still a long life ahead.
But sparkling water with a smidgen of lemon juice works a charm too, so cheers.
May health, peace, happiness, love and enough money in the bank to feel comfortable, be the blessing to all who read this.
Sayonara, 39.
Hello, meat munching mid-life.


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