Sunday, August 3, 2014

Home Sojourn

We are home again, ever so briefly, before driving to Germany where we found an uber-cheap apartment in the middle of bloomin' nowhere.
We ain't complaining - we're grateful for another break before work, buying a new car, studies etc. will all start again.

The week on the farm turned out to be a good experience, one which the boys will cherish, judging by the sad, bereft faces of 3 young men when we jumbled them into the car for the drive home.

And the husband and I had interesting conversations with our interesting farmer, we played gin rummy by candlelight and I squished spiders in the tent 'bedroom' before bed - the spiders being of the run-towards-my-reading-light-variety, giving me a 'Here's Johnny'-fright every night.
I'm not good with bugs.

We came home on Friday armed with a near-mortal tiredness and I took Son#2  to the GP, and he turned out to have pneumonia.
Oi vey.



  1. Good luck with beating the pneumonia (tons of pills...?)
    And enjoy Germany with your men!!!

    1. Thanks Roos! Nothing a round of antibiotics (and then probiotics) won't fix. I could hear his lungs squeaking just by holding my ear to his chest, poor bunny. On to Deutschland, and good health! (To you too! Xxx)
