The boys are almost in bed.
Son#1 got to spend some time on the computer again for the first time in ages, and its influence on him is clear: he turns into an evil bugger.
No more, my boy.
I've worked all day, studying, cleaning up for the cleaner (WHY???), and now I have lessons to prepare for tomorrow morning.
I've postponed it for as long as was humanly possible.
The sun was shining today for a while.
Son#2 and I took a back road on our way to his extra swimming lesson, which turned out to be cancelled - again.
But we had nice views of our village.
I'm looking forward to our new car ever so much.
A car that actually GOES and doesn't glug-glug all the way to your destination.
Pure bliss.
Work shmork.
It pays for the new car, after all, and that's it.
I wonder what will happen with the director of the faculty this week.
A colleague let me know that he was 'highly annoyed'.