Sunday, September 2, 2012

Humour needed

Thing#1 and Thing#2 took it into their heads this morning to get Thing#3 out of bed.  
I hadn't slept.

The switch-off-and-sleep-deeply mechanism has gone AWOL and I stray into the early hours of the morning, only managing to nod off at 2 or 3 in the morning.

Must be work stress????

Meanwhile, I need a babysitter. 
That whole balance between being Mother and being Partner is out of whack.
And I'd like to date the husband. 
I don't have to change his nappy (for a good 40 years, at least) and he does whine from time to time, but lesser so than the 3 gnomes in the house.

Today we're aiming for the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam.
We'll have to leave early, but let's face it,  Thing#1 and Thing#2 made sure we were up bright and early.

(P.S.  I could add a cup of tea to that Irish proverb above.  Or Whiskey.  That also works.)


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