Thursday, September 13, 2012

He's baaaaaaack...

This gorgeous child has turned into Satan again.

He's like a spitting cobra, without two front teeth which I swear I haven't knocked out.

What pre-empted the Dark Knight to reappear is a mystery to me.
All I know is that he is Alive and Well and Living in our house.

All was calm and peaceful, loving even, for a couple of weeks, but then something has triggered this character change again, and I'm wracking my brains to think what could have caused it.
Days like these sincerely have me believing that we should seek help to aid our communication process with Son#1.
Days like these make me feel like the Crappiest Mother in the World.
I hope there isn't an actual award out there for this feat, and I hope no-one will think of nominating me for it.
I also hope the neighbours won't phone Child Welfare to report my bad parenting.

Future Son#1:  Forgive me for being an inadequate mother to you.  I tried my damndest to understand you, I really did.  
Sometimes I even succeeded. 
And I always, always loved you. 
Always will.

Deep sigh.



  1. you are a wonderful mother and this is just a phase... deep breaths xxx

  2. Thanks... I appreciate all and any kind words x
