Monday, September 17, 2012

Before I'm old

Monday again.
Have been running around at work since this morning, and now, at 14h00, I am finally taking a breather.

Yesterday we had such a nice day with my childhood friend that-just-happens-to-live-in-the-Netherlands-too, her husband and their daughters.
We scorched the meat on the overheated barbeque (my newly developed fire-lighting skills taken a bit too far - bonfires & barbeques are not the same thing), had salad with mustard leaves (word or warning:  it's awful; stick to normal salad types), and scoffed chocolate mousse, all while having relaxed conversations and sipping wine.

This week is busy but I feel calm and not as stressed.
Just have to mark some exams tonight, publish the results and then GO TO BED EARLY.
No reading until 3 a.m.

Am pooped from somewhat self-induced lack of sleep. 
Will need to rest.
Am starting to get hot flushes at night and this might signal exhaustion according to a colleague.
Or I'm menopausal.
And I seriously hope I am not

Must rest.
Before I'm old.



  1. T'was a lovely Sunday and you were a fantastic lighter of fires. Thank you!

  2. We'll just have to do it again, won't we? xxx
