Saturday, September 8, 2012

Enjoying the sights and sounds

Don't worry.  

This is not a real person, just a statue, and I'm not (such) a sicko that I would photograph an-actual-person-pre-jump.
And there is no need to call the cops, because I have no plans to jump off buildings myself.  Really.

I need to start painting again.
Need it, like air.
I need an outlet of some sort, I guess.

The last part of this week, I've felt so lost and alone.
Quite sorry for the self.

But hey, I can make fire.
I can cook somewhat edible food.
Inflate my own tyres (as an elderly gentleman pointed out to me, he's never seen a woman do that before, and he's old - he should know, unless he has Alzheimer's and has forgotten it again, but I digress).

I am a self-contained woman.
Like a cockroach.
I can survive anything, and still smile about it. 
(and no, I don't know if cockroaches actually smile, but that I-can-survive-it-all thought must surely bring some joy?)

I just lack confidence and that is something I can work on, right? 
(Note to self:  Perhaps I should stop looking for validation all the time)


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