Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday afternoon

The boys come out early on Wednesdays and Fridays.  
Usually I found it frustrating - trying to figure something out that we could do that would lead to a minimum of fights and tantrums and Exploding Mothers.

Today, beautiful weather, was so different:  I picked the boys up, we drove home, ate lunch in our garden under the umbrella, pasted soccer stickers in the sticker books, lay and watched children's movies, and I even had time to take photos in the garden while Son#1 and Son#2 were playing and Son#3 was napping.


Meanwhile, our roses are blooming beautifully.

We even have grapes that are busy becoming grapes.

And all this topped off with a lovely sneaky view through the houses along the dyke, revealing the church tower whose bell chimes every hour and half hour.
