Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Organizing Genius!

Last night I felt inspired and decided to organize the kids' playroom. 
It looks spectacular, and this morning they played purposefully for the first time in (it might be) years, instead of the usual tipping-out-stuff-all-over-the-floor-and-then-not-cleaning-up.
Will add a few pictures later this week.

One room down, 12 to go.
Feeling all fuzzy and good about my success this morning, I've been scanning the internet (instead of doing my mountain of work) and I found this clever idea:

Isn't it cool? 
I'm stealing this idea for my art studio, where I plan on painting and writing whilst my angelic cherubic children will peacefully play at my feet.
I can see it all in my mind's eye.

Having been absent from work for the past two weeks due to the May holiday, it's interesting to see what stress, and specifically work stress, does to me.
Yesterday, my first day back on the job, left me cranky and short with the kids, unable to handle their tiredness. 
I really must find a way to deal with stresses in my life. 
How I don't know, but I need to make it a priority after all this moving-house-business is done and we're settled in.
Thank goodness for my lovely parents and all their help with kids & life in general. 
Worth their weight in gold, let me tell you.

Happy thoughts, happy thoughts, happy thoughts.


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