Thursday, July 3, 2014

Rare joys

Son#1 is celebrating his upcoming birthday next month in his class today.
I cheated and went to the Hema to buy instant happiness.
Bad mother that I am.
But, on the plus side, Son#1 and #2 went on a long bike ride with the husband and came home exhausted and semi-loving.

 Har har har.
But then Son#2 had an asthma attack when they returned.
Son#3 spent the day crying all day yesterday, then fell asleep on my lap and stayed that way for more than an hour.
And Son#1 spent a lot of moments on the dining room chair for his aggressive behavior towards Son#2.
Limits must be set.
Another day, another dollar.


  1. Lucky you... our school has a totally strict no sugar policy when it comes to treats. No HEMA for me ;-P

  2. P.s. read the title again: for the second time in a row I read "rare jongens" in Dutch, something that suits these boys pretty well don't you think!
    ciao ciao

    1. And truer words were never spoken! xxx
