Friday, July 4, 2014

C'est Le Weekend: Roar!

It is the weekend.
I went and bought myself an enamel oven dish and a new pair of black (and according to the husband, ill-fitting) pants.
I'm happy with both, regardless of my fat bottom which would never look good in any pants.
(My opinion, not the husband's - bless his blessed silence).
Then I bought haloumi cheese and expensive wine which was marked down.
The Volvo was fixed for a pittance, giving us a few extra weeks to find a different car.
I dragged all 3 boys, kicking and screaming, to the garden centre to buy a spray-thing to remedy the dying lawn.
Money spent, little left.
Oh well.

Now the weekend looms and I'm in a funk.
The 3 boys and I are visiting my friend Elma this weekend, in her new house with her well-behaved girls.
I had heart palpitations and weight-loss but this turned around and is now drum-less weight gain again.
This is a thyroid problem.
Alternating between hypers and hypos.
Replete with brittle hair, dry skin and the blues.
Just 3 more weeks until my appointment with the endocrinologist.
I have all my hopes pinned on this person.



  1. When you are a boys' mom, you consider every girl's behavior better than that of your own boys - at least that is my experience :-)
    Enjoy the weekend!

  2. But they ARE better behaved and play games that I also want to play: brush hair, do a puzzle, draw something on only ONE page instead of 15, and they don't wrestle all the time. But we love them. What can one say??? xxx
