Wednesday, July 2, 2014

E.T. phone home

I have been unable to get a hold of my mother.
Her phone accounts must be inactive after her 3 month absence?

Meanwhile here in the Nether Lands, I was summoned to school by both Son#1 and #2's teachers.
They worry about Son#1 and how he dominates Son#2, but also how he will cope once he hits puberty with a vengeance.
Our next stop is the GP.
She might point us in the right direction.
I know in my gut that we need help with this, but I've been resisting the process.
One doesn't go LOOKING for more problems.
But with school's concerns now rolling in for the second year, we need to pay attention.
Double sigh.



  1. Just follow your gut. What else is there?
    (Keeping my fingers crossed for a wise and patient GP...)

    1. Instinct (especially that maternal one) is very powerful. But that's what is making me worry so much. Oooooh for the simple life!!!
      [Insert many swear words here]
