Saturday, July 12, 2014

C'est Le Weekend: Results

Now it is almost 9h00 and I've already washed my hair, done the laundry and the dishwasher (which I unscrewed and fixed myself yesterday after it didn't drain the water and flooded the damn kitchen, proud proud), and called my mother to tell her that I got 85% for both of my exams in June.
More proud pride, thankyouverymuch.

The husband and I spotted a cheapish couch yesterday to replace the existing more-than-10-years-old one that is literally falling apart at the seams.
Son#3 keeps pulling on the thready bits, but I've given up on telling him off about it.
Does it really make a helluva difference if he does that??
You can see it on the right there, sticking out its armrest for the last time [insert evil laugh].

I will drive to the store with all 3 kids in tow this morning. The summer holidays started yesterday at 12h00.
I'm so glad the torture of this school year is done and dusted.
The boys are tired, and have been for the last 2 weeks.
We hear complaints of stomach aches and experience emotional explosions.
It's time for them to rest.
A friend is coming over from Switzerland this weekend.
Other than that, I'm studying and cleaning stuff in between.
I've had it with clutter.


  1. Congratulations on your exam results, you clever girl!! And on fixing the dishwasher - impressive! xxx

    1. Why thank you, dearest! I feel pretty damn chuffed with myself! x

  2. Yihaa! You've done sooo well!
    And jeez... that is what your house looks like? And you have three boys running around? You must be a miracle worker (yes, dishwasher = proof) because it looks utterly divine!

    1. Now, now Roos. You'll just have to come and visit (wink wink, nudge nudge) to see the scuff marks on the walls, the dusty chairs, all the damn clutter... Besides we have a 'play'room (a.k.a. municipal dump chamber) to put toys and aforementioned boys in!
