Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Light up my life

The boys and I visited my talented friend Elma on Saturday, and as soon as we stepped in the car and started driving away, they asked when we could come again.
Kudos, Elma.
We came home and I dumped the wee monsters with the husband, then drove to Breda to buy an expensive, unnecessary lamp with my credit card [insert hysterical hyena-like laughter here].
 I still need to clean up the scene around the light, but the idea is there.

The painting is going back to the art-on-loan-place and the assortment of candles-which-are-never-lit must go.
I want Japanese functional minimalism.

Sunday was a menace.
I am a menace and my fuse is short.
This week I made huge leaps in terms of my backlog of work (which I really don't want to do during the summer holiday).
I spent yesterday cloistered in my office, and will spend a part of today there as well.
The job needs to be finished so I can start with my studies again.
No results yet from the previous round of exams.
We're all tired and in need of sweet blue nothingness for a while.
Son#1 and #2 had a school trip to the zoo in Rotterdam yesterday, and they were still yawning this morning.
Son#3 really just wants to stay home with me, and the husband is blasted from all the stress at work these last few months.
We breathe.
We continue.
Hope your day will be a good one.