Monday, June 30, 2014

Continuing with the theme

Everything ends.
And so it happened that the Volvo ended on us Friday afternoon.

We managed to slug-slug about 200 meters before the car died and gave up completely, in a dangerous bend in the road, in front a driveway, of which the owner started shouting at me that I was an a-social person and parker-of-cars.
Well, I couldn't very well fly away, now could I?

He came to apologize after he understood that we were stranded, but that just made me cry for some PMS-like reason.
Eventually, the road assistance service came to help, soldering wires so we could just get to the damn garage.

When I eventually managed to talk to the husband, I had already made an appointment for a test-drive of a non-husband-approved car, and that caused another measure of conflict.
And getting the car fixed - again - just seems like a bloody bad investment to me.

Long ago, I wrote about Self-governance being an essential part of Utopia.

But the very worst of all:  My mother went back to South Africa yesterday. 
I left the airport with a lump the size of a caravan in my throat.
It feels completely unnatural that she's not here anymore.



  1. I was thinking a lot about you today. Not about the Volvo though (had no idea, even I will miss the diarrhea colored car) but about your exams. Any news yet?!
    Hang in there, as always.

  2. Thanks Roos, thou art kindness itself. No news on my exams yet, possibly mid-July only (a.k.a. African time). Hope all is well on your side of the 'grote rivieren'. Xxxxx
