Thursday, June 19, 2014

Decisions, decisions

Things #1 and #2 are off school today.
And will be off on Monday too.

Son#3, who either has a mild stomach bug or is teething like crazy, is most definitely going to be dropped off at daycare while the boys, my mother and I are going somewhere where it's fun.
Fun is good.
Where, we don't know yet, but I'm sure it will come to us.

The husband and I have a date this evening (mainly because there is no soccer on TV tonight), and that ought to be nice.
I'm counting on him footing the bill, as I'm quite blooming broke.

This weekend, he has a reunion with people he worked with in South Africa more than a decade ago, and I will be abusing my mother's kindness by asking her to help me clean and clear all the crap standing around the storage room, next to my studio.
I expect to encounter spiders.
Then, if I can finagle the husband's vehicle out from under him, then we can take the kids to Middelheim for a picnic on Sunday.
If the weather is lovely.



  1. Girl, you are full of plans! Go for it :-)

    1. Harhar... Sadly the energy lacks but I'm pushing forth regardless ;)
