Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Ice, ice baby

The weather has been kind to us.
The kids spent the day outside:
Son#2 cycling, Son#3 washing various cars and bicycles with a bucket of soapy water, and Son#1 with friends.
The husband and Son#2 aren't getting along all that well.
Son#1 went out on a rubber boat with 2 friends, one calm specimen which spent the rest of the afternoon hammering away in the fort in the garden with the boys.

The week was so busy and stressful thus far, and it ain't over yet.
Oh well.

Tomorrow morning, I'm seeing the doctor again.
My mother and I are going for a long walk through Breda after my morning appointment.
Sans enfants, merci bien.
 On Friday afternoon, the school holidays start again, and the husband and I are counting down the days until we go to Porto, next Wednesday.
I cleaned my studio/study, sorting through all my paperwork from 2008 (!!).
It took me 6 long years to do.
Somehow I don't even feel ashamed.

Meanwhile, I dream of a life in Portugal or Paternoster or any-bloody-where the sun shines and life is easy.
I like easy.


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