Thursday, December 29, 2011

Perhaps the kids are allright...

Kids can be so honest. Sooo honest.  Especially to people whom you would rather not that they know too much about you. 

Son#1 explained in detail to Son#2's teacher that Daddy is now sleeping on a mattress in Son#2's room (because then at least we all get some sleep) and how Son#1 and Son#2 had a sleep-over when Son#1 slept on Daddy's mattress.
(Afterthought:  not a bad idea as they BOTH slept until 6h15 which is not too shabby at all). 

Son#2's teacher looked at me questioningly.  I had to start explaining why the mattress was there in the first place, and no, there isn't any marital strife in the picture at all
After that the conversation went downhill. 
Everything I seemed to say after this just confirmed that we were a family in crisis and headed towards a quickie-divorce with traumatised kids and cat.

The whole conversation and teacher's looks got me thinking though.  Perhaps the kids are not the problem, perhaps they don't need the Melatonin and Focus Vitamins and Valerian and Rescue Remedy etc etc.  Perhaps the problem just might be us.

This is of course quite confrontational.  Me?  A bad mother?  Poor parenting skills?  Lack of insight?  Could it be true?

Certainly this might be a possibility.  The only way to test it is to make subtle changes perhaps and watch to see what the effect of that might be, knowing that I am incapable of changing myself completely overnight.

We could take a Kaizen-approach: miniature steps towards our goal (our goal being calm & peaceful sleeping kids, calm & peaceful, organized and non-screaming parents).  Perhaps we should put away that mattress and just do it differently tonight.  

Honesty:  Honestly, sometimes you wish it didn't exist.


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