Monday, December 26, 2011

Am a butter-making genius

I know it's not a good thing to boast about one's skills, but I am so proud of myself right now it's not even funny. 

I just took some left-over full fat cream straight from the fridge, whizzed it with my trusty hand-held blender until it magically started to separate and turn into butter.  BUTTER!  Butter one can actually EAT!  Feel like Martha Stewart/Betty Crocker/Pioneer Woman all rolled into one!

This is how I did it:

Take some Full fat cream and blend it with a blender until it turns into whipped cream. 
Keep whipping.
Pretty soon, a milky substance starts forming (this is the buttermilk).  You can drain this off and use it for something, not sure what yet, but I will investigate.  
Keep blending it until your blender stops working (butter gets stuck to blades).
You can now press out the remaining buttermilk with a spoon.  
Apparently, pressing out the buttermilk preserves the butter for longer, but I don't plan on keeping it for very long as I'm going to scoff it all tonight.
Now you can add some salt or spices or herbs.


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