Thursday, January 1, 2015

Back to the drawing board

At the considerable risk of sounding like a downright bore, my fibromyalgia rung in the new year with a bang.
The husband and I polished off champagne, the boys woke up - Son#2 in a helluva bad-mooded funk - and we all squirreled off to bed at 1h30. 
This morning we are making oliebollen (a type of donut with raisins) and then going to the in-laws so my mother in law can look after the kids for a while, harhar.
Son#3 is moving in with Son#2 either tomorrow or Saturday, depending on our energy levels.
With #1 home again, Son#2 is back to his angered state, getting angry about nothing, being cheeky and despondent.
Poor sod.
Lest we forget, they are, all three of them, good kids.
Back to the new year, there is change in the air.
And a whole year ahead to decide how we will manage it.


  1. Love that picture *bang bang*
    Good luck with moving the boys around, er, their furniture :-) And embrace the change!

    1. Perhaps I'll believe it if I keep repeating it... change is gooooood!
      Have a WONDERFUL 2015, Roos! Xxx
