Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tough one

We were in Portugal.
We were there.
But now we're back north, and it rains, it is cold, and we've been dipped in stress.
That holiday feeling doesn't last long, I'm afraid.

I will leave you with photos of our first destination, Porto.
The husband, my mother and myself, have been consuming the airport-bought Late Bottle Vintage Ports.
And I love Port.
In fact, I'm in love with Portugal.
Beers that cost 80 cents.
Every-single-blooming-person is friendly.
We don't have that here in the Nether Lands.
History and sun and magnificent food.
I'm in love with the husband, and I'm in love with Portugal.
It was good to see the boys too, although the realization that their behaviour is sometimes quite crap has hit hard, and mummy hits hard back (with a wooden spoon well-placed on buttocks, whenever I hear a disrespectful tone).
It's working so far.
Luckily my mother behaves, and I don't have to apply discipline there.
(We're going to Bergamo, in Italy, in a month's time, just the 2 of us).
Hopefully we won't drown in all the bloody rain before the last port is finished.
Go out with a bang, I say.


  1. Yup, the famous "after" dip…
    It's a good thing you're in love though! And that liters of port are at hand. Smart woman :-)

  2. I can do with a big glass of port after my crazy week... save me some! xxx
