Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Yesterday afternoon, we drove to Carcassonne, 61 km away.
It was very impressive, to say the least.  
(It's always a good idea to go somewhere really touristy late in the afternoon, when most of the tourists have absconded back to wherever-it-is-they-stay.) 

We posed in front of the gate with drawbridge.

We then walked around the old, medieval city, to the Basillica (10th century, bloody hell).
We lit candles for my dad and his good health.

We walked the pews and were surprisingly quiet and dignified.


Then, dinner below the ancient walls, which consisted of French Fries (how appropriate), a salad and tiny pizza for the husband.
White beer for Mummy, who wasn't the designated driver (harhar).

Another mad run along the ramparts which gave me bad dreams through the night that followed.

This way...

And that.

And home again.

Today, who knows, who knows.


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