Tuesday, August 7, 2012

End of my rope

Or should I call that a noose?
Today, I finally reached my enough-level with the kids' behaviour.
An oeuf is an oeuf, you know?

We took the train to Rotterdam instead of the bus.
Son#1 complained loudly that I had bought nothing to drink or eat for the train, and wouldn't snap out of his annoyance.

We got off at Rotterdam Blaak, smack-bang in the centre of a busy market, and walked to the Selexyz (which happens to have an excellent English literature-section and Bagels & Beans, where we had a small lunch).

Son#1 was grumpy most of the time, and I lost my temper, publicly, a few times.
Son#2, albeit enthusiastic, ran off in all directions which makes me nervous.
Like the pigs in Palestine, I'll tell you, but actually, those pigs have nothing on Son#1 and Son#2.

After the bookshop, we walked to the Maritime Museum, where we'd been before.
They've changed the play-area on the roof quite considerably, and the boys spent a good hour and a half playing their hearts out.

The mother who sat next to me, told her son to stop playing with Son#2, not knowing that I was his mother.  Why?  Did I miss something vital here?  Surely only I perceive them as busy and out of control?

All in all, it wasn't a good day. 
The conflict with Son#1 makes me sad and unhappy.
I'm actually glad that the schools are starting next week again, even if it means that my hellishly-paced job also starts again.
I'm hoping that I can keep my cool with the boys this week.
We need to smooth this over and sail through the squalls.
My solace for today was buying 2 books by Chaim Potok with my last money, 'The Chosen' and 'My name is Asher Lev', being in my read-everything-and-anything-on-Hasidism-phase.

Something to occupy a busy mind.


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