Saturday, April 9, 2016

Will it really?

I'm not sure yet.

I did the laundry, made breakfast, then lunch.
Son#2 is gung-ho and dead-set on going to an obscure party held at the rugby club - which we will certainly NOT be attending and each conversation about it does end in tears.
He comes in every 10 minutes, just to repeat the same request and then get the same disappointing answer, with the same response.

Things#1 and #2 have been playing-fighting with a friend in the street.
The ice cream van sang its Mr Sandman-tunes outside again and we ran out, the kids walking back inside with ice cream-licking smiles.

Thing#3 is being uber-cute, quite happy in and out of an old cardboard box.
 You don't need an awful lot of toys to keep kids happy.
Simple things: boxes, a car or 2, a football.

I washed the baby buggy, and put the buggy, our old couch and bunk beds on the Dutch version of Ebay.
 I want to clean.
I want to get rid of all this stuff that clutters my mind and life.
Pity about pain and low energy, but one has to start somewhere.
Strangely, my right middle finger hurts like hell today - just the finger I feel like using too.
Suspicious, Universe.

Cut me loose, I need to float away.


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