Saturday, February 15, 2014

I took a sick week

Because I bloodywell needed one.
New round of antibiotics, and I'm starting, ever so slightly, to feel human again.
Just a wee bit.

Tomorrow the in-laws are invading to come and celebrate Son#2's 6th birthday.
I'm not in the mood right now, especially because one needs to clean the entire house (my mother-in-law tends to wander upstairs to inspect unmade beds and general slovenliness).

Today is just a slow day, trying to manage #2's tantrums, door slamming, sneaky behaviour.
This too shall pass (I hope).
#1 was MUCH worse, and he's turned out okay.
No rain for now either, and that is just dandy.



  1. Do increase your AB-intake :-P
    And shove all the stuff under the beds, take the easy and slowwwww road indeed!

  2. Oh Roos, I was shoveling sh*t all morning!!!
