Friday, February 21, 2014

C'est Le Weekend: The Big Questions (but never answered)

I'm still sick for some reason, and I spent the night keeping the family awake with my coughing.
I can feel the sinusitis creeping up on me again...
I'm just sick of being sick, and after a night of no sleep combined with a hell-thy shot of PMS, I'm just not nice.

Son#1 is off to his grandparents' this evening, and I'm picking him up on Sunday afternoon.
The husband (lucky bastard) is off to the UK tomorrow.
Son#2 and #3 and I are home, and perhaps, if I feel better, we can go to a museum or something.
Or stay in our pajamas all weekend.
And eat pizza.

I had to put 2 new front wheels on the Volvo, and they fixed the wheel alignment yesterday.
€235 bucks, ka-ching.
But after that, I drove to Ikea for free cappucinoed people-watching, and ended up sitting in the restaurant, reading my study material for two whole hours.
It was wonderful.
Who needs a study when you get to focus pretty darn well in a warm restaurant?
A myriad of old people joined me, coming for the conversation and cheap-o breakfast (just €1).
If I were old, I would do it too.
Hell, I already do.

But sitting there made me think of a conversation I had with my mother, about old-age and illness and death being the Great Equalizer.
Your money won't protect you, you know.
We will all get sick, we will all die.
Ain't no escaping that fact. 

My mother is thinking of enrolling herself into an old-age home, as they have long waiting lists.
It feels odd - my mother will always be 30-something in my eyes, and I certainly don't feel mature like she was at my nearly 40 years.

I'm about to drink more coffee, and doing the laundry so Son#1 will have clean clothes to take with.
And a little while later, I'm picking up Son#2 for swimming lessons, and then to the bank, for English pounds for the good husband.

Our weekend begins.



  1. Money won't protect you. Actually, not a single thing will protect you (not to sound gloomy…. but I realize it doesn't sound as uplifting as I intended, ha!)
    I love your IKEA workplace concept. Shame I have to travel 20 mins by metro to get there, otherwise I might give it a shot. I'm all for free refills :-)

    Good luck with the boyz and the pi's and all. You'll survive the weekend, that I'm sure of.

    1. Strange how this 'gloomy' thought is actually comforting to me - the outcome is so certain for us all, isn't it? Phew. One less thing to worry about. (Or perhaps I've just turned towards the dark side?? Depressed? Or just a damn realist?? No amount of Libelle-talk is going to make me think otherwise...)

      Ikea is bourgeois, but I adore it. Hot in winter, cool in summer, passable coffee, and a gallery of faces to feed my imagination. I am most willing to travel for that luxury alone.

      Hope YOUR weekend is GOOD, Roos - happiness be your companion xxx
