Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pay it forward/back

I know that life is busy.
And quite complicated at the moment.
But there is room for more.
(I think).
And I don't mean more problems, things to do or complications, thankyouverymuch.

I follow a blog that I read from time to time about a nurse that is currently working in India, and it always shames me when I think of our relatively easy (materialistic) life.
There is so much need in the world.

I think I'm signing up for some form of volunteer-work, because it's not just about me.
It's not just about my family or my small circle of friends.
And it's definitely not about stuff.

I suppose it's about time and attention and how much of it we can give each other.
We are all part of one, big family.
We are all connected.
Being competitive, conniving and selfish has no place in this relationship with the rest of the world.

If I want, I need to give, too. 

First, however, breakfast, that Son#1 has so lovingly prepared while I lay reading in bed this morning.
The husband went to friends' in Breda last night.
Son#2 snuck into our bed in the wee hours and lay sniffing for about 2 hours after.
The husband will be back later, and we'll have a good day, I can feel it.
Charity also starts at home, like my mother used to say.


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